Mental Disability What Is It and How Can the NDIS Assist?


Mental Disability: What Is It and How Can the NDIS Assist?

Mental disability, also known as mental health disorders. It is a broad spectrum of conditions that affect mood, cognition, and behaviour of individuals. According to WHO, 1 in 8 people in the world is living with  psychosocial disability or mental illness.  

Mental illness includes depression, anxiety disorders,intellectual disability,  schizophrenia, eating disorders, and addictive behaviours.

While many people experience occasional mental health concerns. It evolves into a mental illness when persistent symptoms lead to frequent stress and impair daily functioning.

Living with a mental illness can significantly impact overall well-being and interfere with various aspects of life, including academic or professional pursuits and relationships. In this discussion, we’ll discuss different aspects of mental disability and how NDIS can assist those who are going through this illness. 

What is Psychosocial Disability?

Psychosocial disability refers to a disability stemming from a mental health issue. While not everyone with a mental health condition experiences a psychosocial disability, for those who do, it can be severe, long-lasting, and significantly affect their recovery. 

From the perspective of medical, psychosocial disabilities are pathologized (e.g., depression, anxiety),  neurodevelopmental (e.g., autism), or cognitive impairments (e.g., Alzheimer's).  However, individuals with a mental health condition-induced disability may be eligible for support through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). On this note, you can contact a registered NDIS service provider such as GNA, the best disability care service provider in Australia to access the facilities of NDIS. 

The Difference between Psychosocial Disability & Mental Disability

To understand psychosocial disability in detail, you should know the distinction between psychosocial disability and mental disability. They are lies in their underlying causes and manifestations:

Difference between Psychosocial Disability & Mental Disability:

  • Origin: Psychosocial disabilities arise from a combination of social, psychological, and environmental factors. They often result from societal barriers, discrimination, and stigma related to mental health conditions. While, mental disabilities, on the other hand, stem directly from neurological or psychological factors. They result from conditions affecting mood, cognition, and behaviour, such as depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and others.

  • Impact: Psychosocial disabilities can affect a person's ability to participate fully in society due to factors such as limited access to education, employment, and social activities. On the other hand, mental disabilities can cause significant distress and impair functioning in various areas of life, including work, school, and relationships.

  • Examples: Experiences like social exclusion, lack of accommodation, or barriers to accessing services due to mental health conditions can contribute to psychosocial disabilities. In the mental disabilities, conditions like major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder are considered mental disabilities due to their neurobiological underpinnings.

While there may be overlap between the two terms, it's important to recognize that psychosocial disabilities often encompass broader societal and environmental factors beyond the individual's specific mental health condition. Additionally, the terminology and conceptual frameworks may vary across different contexts and healthcare systems.

What is the Cause of Mental Illness?

If you think that there is one single cause of mental illness, then let us know that there is no one reason behind mental illness. In the middle of this discussion, you may understand that a number of facts in the mental health disorder list are responsible for mental disorders or psychosocial disorders. 

An individual’s family history, his or her genes, and life experience are the primary reason to become a mental illness patient. Now you may ask, are mental health issues curable? Yes, it is curable. Proper personal care, medication and psychological therapies can help them for independent living. 

How can NDIS Assist to Mentally Disabled Person?

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is dedicated to enhancing the well-being of individuals living with psychosocial disability. To achieve this aim, the agency has developed the Psychosocial Disability Recovery-Oriented Framework (Recovery Framework). 

Informed by extensive research, submissions, consultations, articles, reports, and policy documents at national and international levels, the Recovery Framework is designed to integrate best practices and insights into its approach. Furthermore, the framework is shaped by the direct experiences of participants and their families and caregivers, service providers, as well as input from state and territory governments.

Final Words

There is no exact way to prevent mental disability. However, personalised treatment and support from NDIS registered service providers can help them to live a regular life like others.  

They provide a framework that aims to improve the responsiveness of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to the needs of participants living with psychosocial disability, as well as their families and caregivers.

Frequently Asked Questions:-

Mental disorder or psychosocial disability is a vast area. Therefore it is important to look out most frequent questions that people have asked about this matter. 

Q1. What is a serious mental illness?

Serious mental illness (SMI) typically refers to diagnoses such as psychotic disorders, bipolar disorder, major depression with psychotic symptoms, or treatment-resistant depression. Additionally, SMI may encompass conditions like anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and personality disorders.

Q2. What is the most painful mental illness?

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is widely recognized for causing intense emotional pain and distress in individuals affected by this condition. Research indicates that those with BPD often endure persistent and profound emotional suffering and mental anguish.

Q3. Is all mental illness a disability?

Mental illness, on its own, does not necessarily constitute a disability. However, within the realm of mental health, there exists a category known as psychiatric disabilities. According to the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation at Boston University, psychiatric disabilities encompass mental illnesses that substantially impede major life activities, such as employment.

Q4. What are psychosocial symptoms?

In the long term, individuals with psychosocial disabilities may experience a range of challenges, including:

  • Anxiety and uneasiness.

  • Grief and feelings of helplessness.

  • Difficulty concentrating.

  • Sleep disturbances.

  • Mental and cognitive impairments.

  • Sexual dysfunction.

  • Challenges related to fertility.

  • Psychological distress.

  • Development or exacerbation of psychiatric disorders.

These issues can significantly impact an individual's overall well-being and ability to engage in daily activities, relationships, and work or educational pursuits.

Q5.Does NDIS cover mental health conditions?

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals affected by psychosocial disability. To achieve this goal, the agency has developed the Psychosocial Disability Recovery-Oriented Framework (Recovery Framework). This framework aims to enhance the responsiveness of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to the needs of participants living with psychosocial disability, as well as their families and caregivers.