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daily questions

What role do allied health professionals play in Clinical Care at GNA?

Allied health professionals, including those in occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry, dietetics, speech pathology, and social work, form an integral part of our Clinical Care team. They collaborate to address a spectrum of health needs, promoting holistic well-being through specialised and personalised care plans.

How is nursing care personalised in GNA's Clinical Care services?

At GNA, our nursing care is highly individualised. We assess the unique health needs of each resident, creating personalised care plans to ensure they receive expert medical attention tailored to their specific conditions and preferences.

Can GNA accommodate residents who need enteral feeding formulas and equipment?

Absolutely. GNA Aged Care Services are equipped to provide specialised support for residents who require enteral feeding formulas and the necessary equipment. Our caregivers are trained to administer enteral feeding in a caring and compassionate manner, ensuring that residents with unique nutritional needs receive the support they require.

How does GNA ensure personalised meal preparation in Personal Care Support?

At GNA, we recognize the uniqueness of each resident's dietary needs. Our team collaborate closely with individuals to understand their preferences, allergies, health requirements, and cultural considerations. This enables us to craft personalised meal plans that cater to both nutritional needs and individual tastes.

Are you are an NDIS participant looking for Development and Support Life Skills services ?

If you are an NDIS participant looking for Development and Support Life Skills services, or a provider looking to partner with us, please contact us at GNA to discuss how we can support you in achieving your goals. We believe that with the right support and guidance, individuals with disabilities can lead fulfilling and meaningful lives

Does GNA takes consulting fees ?

GNA has the most Competitive Rates, No Exit or Entry Fees, No Consulting or Case Management Fees, No Lock In Contracts or Minimum Spend.

What GNA is committed to ?

At GNA, we are committed to providing high-quality Development and Support Life Skills services to our clients. Our services are personalised to meet the unique needs and goals of each individual, and our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping our participants achieve their full potential.

How we manage the cost ?

GNA is an affordable solution for the elderly and disability care throughout the community, who prefer to stay at home where their quality of life is enhanced without the stress and hardships of interrupted routines and changes in daily habits

Can I Pick the services I want ?

Yes, you certainly can pick and choose the services that you want. You are the client and we can work with you to customize service that is best for you

What we do ?

We are healthcare service, disability & Respite provider that assists individuals/families and organisation. We are dedicated to helping our clients lead dignified, independent lifestyles in the comfort and safety of their own homes.