Empowering Abilities, Transforming Lives

Community Engagement

We understand how important it is for you to get along with your community and live peacefully in society. Our aim is to enable you to participate efficiently in the community and social sphere around you. Attend community-based activities, join social groups, and take part in recreational activities. 


Which Service is right for you ?

Our assistance with your social and community participation helps you visit libraries, meet friends in your community, build skills, attend classes and vacation activities, etc. You can also take part in volunteering and various sports, and multiple recreational activities in your community. Thus, you can be a part of your surroundings and never feel left out or depressed. 

The fund dedicated to this support category can be used for below purposes. 

Self Awareness and Self-care

The sense of self-worth takes you a long mile in life. We, as a reliable partner, help you increase ...

Capacity Building

Every individual has unique potential with which they can do many things. As a leading care and supp...

Adaptive social competency

Society may offer numerous situations to you. Some can be in your favour, while some might not be. A...

Emotional Awareness

When you are ready for social and community participation, we at GNA pay close attention to your emo...

Self-regulation & Personal Wellbeing

For many NDIS participants, it might get difficult to control their activities as their cognitive ab...

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