NDIS Medication Management

When it comes to managing and administering medications, keeping a few things in mind is essential. The accurate dose of the right medicine must be given at the right time. Also, the frequency of the medicine, previous medical history of the patient, symptoms, and the process of giving the medicine are important. To handle all of these factors, a professional hand is highly needed. 

Our professional medication management service includes all ranging from managing the daily medicines, supervising them, reminding the dosage on time, etc. 

How we can help

Medication management

Medications are crucial for physical and mental well-being. Ignoring it or not taking it on time leads to hassles that you never want to bear in life. Also, incorrect dosage or wrong medication can lead to fatal consequences. We have trained professionals in our team who can efficiently manage medications needed for maintaining health, treating illnesses and preventing health issues.


If you cannot oversee your medication plans, we are here to help. We understand that it might be overwhelming for you to remember each detail related to medicines for your health issues. We do the task on your behalf with the help of our learned experts and fellow workers. Supervising the medicines under professional healthcare experts ensures an effective result. The chances of taking the wrong medicine or inaccurate dosage are reduced.


Only planning and supervising medicines are not enough until you remind the participants to take them on time. Our medication management service, hence, includes regular reminders for medicines. We often create a personalised routine for it as per the requirements. Also, if required, we set the alarm on your mobile device or table clock. Nowadays, various medication management applications are available for mobile phones. If the situation asks for it, we take help of it too. In other words, we never let you forget your dosage. After all, ensuring a happy, independent, and tranquil life is what we desire to provide you with.

Daily log

We create and use daily logs while offering our professional medication management service to someone. It standardises our service and ensures the safety of the medicines. The charts are prepared using the medical discretion of healthcare professionals. Our efficient support workers manage the log with their knowledge and experience.

Your Partner in Care & Support


What Do we provide ?

Whether it is to cure a disease or prevent it, medicines are part and parcel of your healthcare routine. Give us a call and if you want to know more how we care.

Is GNA Affordable ?

GNA is an affordable solution for the elderly and disability care throughout the community, who prefer to stay at home where their quality of life is enhanced without the stress and hardships of interrupted routines and changes in daily habits

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