Personal care for your loved ones

In our Aged Care Services, Personal Care Support goes beyond the conventional, offering a compassionate and tailored approach to meet individual needs. Our highly trained Support Workers provide hands-on assistance with daily activities, ensuring dignity and comfort. From grooming and hygiene routines to mobility assistance, we understand the importance of preserving independence. Our Personal Care Support also extends to monitoring health conditions and medications, guaranteeing the well-being of our seniors.

At GNA, we strive to create a warm and supportive environment, fostering a sense of security and enhancing the quality of life for those in our care.

How we can help

Personal Services

Personal Assistance including individualised support, Supervison and Physical assistance with: Bathing, Showering, Personal Hygine & Grooming. We will also help with Toileting, Dressing & Un-Dressing, Mobility and Transfers, including getting in and out of bed.

Activities of Daily Living

Personal Assistance including individualised support, supervision and physical assistance with any communication needs or to address challenges arising afrom impaired hearing, vision or speech. This may include fitting of sensory communication aids, checking hearing aid batteries and cleaning spectacles.

Meal Preaparation & Diet

At GNA Aged Care, Our dedicated team provides personalised assistance with meal preparation, ensuring special dietary needs for health, allergies, religious, or cultural reasons are met. From utilizing eating utensils to facilitating enteral feeding formulas, we prioritize the well-being and comfort of our residents.

Management of Skin Integrity

Includes the provision of consumable items such as bandages, dressing and skin emolients. We will also provide training and advice regarding the early detection of pressure injuries.

Continence Management

we go the extra mile to provide thorough Continence Management. This involves a comprehensive Assessment for and, if required, the provision of disposable pads and absorbent aids, commode chairs, bedpans, urinals, catheter and urinary drainiage appliances. Our dedicated team not only supplies these aids but also offers hands-on Assistance in using continence aids, appliances and continence management.

Your Partner in Care & Support


How does GNA ensure personalised meal preparation in Personal Care Support?

At GNA, we recognize the uniqueness of each resident's dietary needs. Our team collaborate closely with individuals to understand their preferences, allergies, health requirements, and cultural considerations. This enables us to craft personalised meal plans that cater to both nutritional needs and individual tastes.

What types of dietary requirements does GNA cater to in Aged Care Services?

GNA Aged Care Services are designed to accommodate a range of dietary needs, including those for health reasons, allergies, religious observances, and cultural preferences. We take pride in ensuring that every meal aligns with the specific requirements and choices of our residents.

How does GNA assist residents with using eating utensils and aids?

Our dedicated team at GNA provides hands-on support to residents who may require assistance with using eating utensils or aids. Whether it's guidance on proper techniques or physical assistance during meals, our caregivers are trained to make the dining experience comfortable and enjoyable.

Can GNA accommodate residents who need enteral feeding formulas and equipment?

Absolutely. GNA Aged Care Services are equipped to provide specialised support for residents who require enteral feeding formulas and the necessary equipment. Our caregivers are trained to administer enteral feeding in a caring and compassionate manner, ensuring that residents with unique nutritional needs receive the support they require.

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